26 August 2015

4 Must-Have Staples in Every Woman's Diet

While a good diet is always essential to the maintenance of good health, this is especially true when it comes to women's health. Cramping, bloating, mood swings, and an endless parade of PMS symptoms are the unfortunate side effects of one of nature's most complex and necessary cycles. Adding these four staples to your diet can naturally reduce many of these symptoms of womanhood, in addition to offerring a myriad of other health benefits.


Many members of the carrot family are commonly prescribed by herbalists and naturopathic doctors for feminine ailments. Adding more carrots to your diet can aid in regulating your menstrual cycle, fighting off vaginal and urinary tract infections, and increasing milk supply in lactating mothers. I know this from experience; I struggled with a low milk supply for weeks before discovering that chewing a teaspoon of fennel seed, a member of the carrot family, boosts milk supply usually by the end of the day. Fennel is also my go-to remedy for winter illnesses; fennel seed tea is gentle enough for babies and can be used to help soothe even the frailest colicky infant. 


Oats for women! Known for its ability to smooth skin and strengthen hair, oatmeal  can also be a great tummy soother when your time of the month rolls around. Its high fiber content helps keep you regular, and it can even suppress the appetite, aiding in weight loss. Oats contain many of the vitamins and minerals that your bones need, so they are great for women who may be at risk of osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. Eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day when your period starts, and feel free to slather it on your face before you shower to refresh your skin. 


Raspberry leaf tea is one of the essentials during those last long weeks of pregnancy. Drinking this tea is said to help strengthen the uterus, without raising the risk of pre-term labor (although it may not be safe in women with a history of miscarriage). This tea will also help the uterus shrink after giving birth, aid in milk production, and ease cramps. Fresh, frozen, or dried raspberries are a known source of cancer-fighting antioxidants, and are extremely useful for keeping blood sugar and cholesterol levels stable. 

Green Tea 

If there is any beverage that every woman, man, and even child needs to add to their diet, it is green tea. This mood booster, appetite suppressor, cancer fighter, and overall body stabilizer can be sipped on throughout the day. Drink it to help fight off infections, regulate blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, get rid of headaches, improve brain function, and acheive internal homeostasis. The dried leaves can be used externally as well to reduce swelling, inhibit the growth of bacteria, fight skin infections, soothe burns and bug bites, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Sounds a lot like the health benefits of medical marijuana, doesn't it?

Whether you are just discovering the joys of womanhood, with all its aches, pains, and hormonal fluctuations, or are already on the other side of menopause, adding these four foods to your diet on a regular basis can aid tremendously in the management of feminine maladies. Check out these recipes for some ideas on increasing your intake of these healthy foods. 

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